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Who Serves First In Tennis

The Importance of Knowing Who Serves First in Tennis | Serving Order and Strategy

Tennis is the only sport where serving is crucial to a player’s victory. Whoever serves first in tennis starts the match and arranges the set for subsequent periods. Serve as a potent weapon that gives you an advantage if you use it first and exploit your opponent’s flaws.

It’s a big statement, and everyone should learn who serves first in tennis, what techniques are used, and why it’s important for every player. We will provide a comprehensive guide for both doubles and singles matches here.

So, how do you determine who serves first in tennis? There are several methods for judging, including the coin toss, racket spin, and even rock-paper-scissors, previous match winner, and alternate serve.

The coin toss and racket spin are two traditional methods for determining who serves. Both methods are used in major tournaments such as the Grand Slam and the US Open, but the racket spin method is only used at the club level. Once a player has won the toss or racket spin, he or she must decide whether to serve or return first.

Here we will go over these steps in greater detail and discuss the benefits and drawbacks of serving or returning first.

How to Decide on the first serve in Tennis?

So far, there are no special rules for who serves first in a tennis match; the umpire decides which method is best for special tournaments. The coin toss method is used for large tournaments where everyone anxiously awaits the start. After winning the toss, the player chooses who goes first.

There are several options for club matches for those who decide to serve or return first.

Tennis coin toss:

First Serve In Tennis
The Importance of Knowing Who Serves First in Tennis | Serving Order and Strategy 5

The first is coin tossing, a very simple method, as simple as taking a coin from someone. As a result, there are no hard and fast rules for coin tossing.

The two terms are used in a coin toss for heads or tails; make sure the other person knows how to use this method. Some people used it to flip the coin in the air and catch it with their hand, while others used it to flip the coin and throw it on the ground.

Flipping the coin, catching it, and flipping it again into the back of your hand When we flipped the coin onto the hand, it did not roll or bounce. That is an excellent method for coin tossing.

The next one is flipping a coin in the air and leaving it for the time when he is not stopped on the ground and waiting for the outcome.

Some people used a standard coin to avoid the complicated method of heads and tails. However, head and tails are the best methods overall.

Who is tossing the coin? It’s the same as serving first. The umpire approaches both players and chooses one to call by flipping a coin. At that point, the chosen player flips a coin, and the second player chooses either heads or tails. If the second player calls heads and the coin shows heads, the second player determines the first serve in tennis. If the chosen player won the coin toss, he or she called the serve or return first.

Racket Spin

Racket spin is the second most common way to determine the first serve in tennis. As you may be aware, the bottom of every racket handle grip has a logo, large letter, or drawing of the brand name. You can see an example of the racket spin method in the image below.

One player rotates the racquet while holding it by the grip. While the racquet is spinning, the other player says “up” or “down,” and if the racquet rests with the side the player chose facing up, they get to choose whether to serve or receive.
Serve Tennis Tournaments
The Importance of Knowing Who Serves First in Tennis | Serving Order and Strategy 6


The rock-paper-scissors method is an easy way to decide who serves first when you don’t have anything to define the coin or racket-spin method. While holding a boulder (a fist), paper (an open hand), or shears (hands), participants approach one another (two fingers in a V shape). The one who wins gets to choose who is approached first.

Previous Champion:

At the club level, the player who won the previous match usually gets to serve first. He or she can choose to serve first or return first.

The decision is made by the oldest.

If the new player respects the older player, this method can determine to serve tennis tournaments. In most cases, when I wondered, I saw that the new player respected the older player and allowed the older player to serve first in a tennis match.

Exceptions to the Standard Rules

Tennis standard guidelines are frequently used to decide who takes the first serve in tennis. There are two scenarios in which these principles can be applied. The guidelines listed below are outlined.

In a tiebreak, service game tennis?

The first is tiebreakers, in which the person who serves in tennis serves second in tiebreakers. After the tiebreakers are won, both teams serve every two games.

  • Every six points, both competitors swap from side to side.
  • In tiebreakers, the person who serves first will receive second place.

non-standard formats:

The second type is non-standard formats, such as no-ad scoring or Fast4, founded on different tennis serve guidelines. Here are some general guidelines for determining these forms:

  • In no-ad scoring, the first serve is decided by a coin toss, but subsequent serves are determined by an alternative serve per game.
  • The player who wins four games first in Fast4 receives the set. The serving order is determined by a coin flip or racket spin, and players alternate serving each game.

What Happens During a Doubles Tiebreak?

The same principles apply to double tiebreakers as they do to singles.

Team B serves first in the set, then Team A serves first in tiebreakers, and after 2 points, the B team member serves and the game continues.

As a tiebreaker, all competitors serve two points to each pair alternately.

Tennis Coin, Racket Spin, and Rock-Paper-Scissors: Decide: Serve, Return, or Defer?

After winning the coin toss, racquet spin, or game of rock-paper-scissors, the players have four excellent options: serve first, return first, defer, or choose the side of the court. Here are five methods for getting started in the game:

All decisions are influenced by personal preferences, so some players prefer to serve first and others prefer to return first. As a result, all decisions are made by the players. In addition, we will discuss the match’s serve-first advantages and disadvantages.

Some people wonder how much the take-first-serve percentage depends on the entire match. Only the ten percent toss matters, according to the answer. However, if A player wins the toss, he must choose whether to serve or return first, while B player must choose which side of the court to serve on. The B-to-A player will go through the same procedure.

Serving as a single:

A single match of serving orders is a very simple process. The procedure is simple for both parties. The first player in the match serves in the first set, the second player in the second set, and so on, until the match is finished.

The player who won the toss or flipped the racket decides who serves first, and the toss loser waits for the response and does the work according to the winning toss player.

Serving order in subsequent games: The winner of the previous game serves first in the next game. If the score is 6-6, a tiebreaker is used to determine who wins the set.

Who serves first in doubles?

The very first rules for double games are extremely complicated. The team that won the coin toss or racket spin will not only decide who serves in tennis or returns first, but both team members will also decide who takes first.

Simply put, the team that takes first decides who will take first.

After the first set, the loser is allowed to get the second serve, and both teammates discuss and decide who gets the first serve with more experience.

The same process will be repeated until the end of the game, with the third serve going to those who take first and the fourth serve going to those who take second.

The best method for a double is to distribute an equal service for both team players, which helps you improve your service and learn the best court techniques.

What is the power of serving first in tennis?

Tennis Who Serves First
The Importance of Knowing Who Serves First in Tennis | Serving Order and Strategy 7

Most people wonder what the benefits of taking the first serve in tennis are. The serve-first benefits are determined by various factors based on the situation and time frame.

Serving first gives the player control and a psychological advantage over the opponent. To put it simply, the server sets the tone for the players.

Everyone knows that putting pressure on your opponent is a huge advantage for any player. So when you take first, your opponent feels more pressure, giving you more opportunities to win more points.
Serving first provided you with more power and control over the game. As a result, the player who takes the first serve plays more aggressively and wins more games than the player who receives the first serve. Everyone is aware that the take first for
However, serving first has some drawbacks. If they are strong returners, players serving second may acquire an early edge. Weather factors, court surface, and individual ability level all have an impact on who serves in tennis.


Can a player choose to receive instead of serve first?

If you win the coin toss, you may choose to receive instead of serve first.

What happens if the coin lands on its edge during the toss?

Coins that fall on their sides during the toss must be rethrown.

Is there a limit to the number of times a player can serve in a row?

When served repeatedly, a player can serve as many times as he wishes.

Does the serving order change if a player is substituted in a doubles match?

The serving sequence remains unchanged if a player is replaced in a doubles competition.

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